Sharpie Sailboat Plans

Editor’s note: the plans for a sharpie sailboat, as outlined in the december 1930 and january 1931 issues of yachting, look to us like a great project to teach the grandkids about boatbuilding!. Rendered in modern materials, this 21st century sharpie is fast, light, easy to handle, and easy to build. renditions of john's sharpie have been built from clc kits and plans all over the world, from the 15th floor of an apartment building in south korea to coniston water in the uk.. The princess sharpie 22 is an easy to build trailerable, beachable vessel that will happily take you and yours on social sails with several friends, a family weekend, a romantic vacation or a solitary adventure..

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Plans, sharpie 600 - 250 eur purchase. sharpie 600 is designed as a daysailer and weekender, a use most boats are put to, regardless of their design purpose. project for this winter is going to be a bigger sail boat, i think your sharpie is a good candidate.. Messing about in boats magazine - phil bolger and friends currently publish a regular article in the magazine messing about in boats. yahoo! bolger group - a yahoo! discussion group dedicated to bolger's designs; bolger design database - the bolger yahoo! group maintains a partial listing of bolger boat designs.. Boat designs from the 1940's: treasures from the past. coot - a 22' chesapeake bay sharpie (plans updated) i much admire the sharpie for its simplicity of construction and stability under sail. coot is a throwback to the days when sharpies dominated the chesapeake bay..

sharpie sailboat plans

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