Building A Boat Cost

The following cost and time figures have been submitted by builders. if a year of build was provided, we have included that information, otherwise the date of build is unknown so take that into consideration when estimating your costs.. The process of building a sailboat can be a highly rewarding project, leaving you with a vessel to be proud of. prior to beginning the project, it is useful to know what the average cost of building the boat will be to allow you to put a budget in place.. The following costs are just an indication of what it can cost you in new building. the main factor is simply the type, price and availability of the wood at the time of purchase as the quality wooden iron wood is hard to get, we strongly recommend you to collect the wood before starting to build..

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Boat building requires enough space, under cover, so that the builder can easily move around the hull during construction, or the boat can be built on a trailer so the hull can be moved out of the shelter for construction sessions.. My question is, is there a decent rule of thumb for building costs of a wooden boat. chesapeake marine design lists on their plans that it costs $4-$6 per pound of displacement for a very nice finish. using thast rule, a boat with a 5,000 pound displacement will cost 20-30k to build.. If the cost of labor amounts to approximately 60% of the total cost (if the boat were to be built in the us) that becomes very approximately a 35% discount on the project as a whole to a us customer. naturally, there are costs involved to build in new zealand, such as travel, shipping, and import duties..

building a boat cost

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